Franklin Insurance Agency

2345 Southern Blvd SE Ste C4,
Rio Rancho, NM 87124, United States

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What does boat insurance cover?

You have finally done it, purchased the boat of your dreams in Rio Rancho, NM. With over 1200 lakes and 200 miles of river, New Mexico is a great place for boat owners. You may be wondering if the insurance that you already have will cover your boat. Is it covered under your auto insurance or your home insurance? The simplest answer is yes with lots of qualifications. This is where having a knowledgeable agent like those at Franklin Insurance Agency on your side. 

If you have home insurance and your boat is damaged while it is sitting on a trailer in your yard, chances are your home insurance will cover it. If your boat is on a boat trailer traveling to a lake or river, the trailer is covered by your auto insurance but it is likely that the boat isn’t. What this means is that you need to carry boat insurance for a variety of very important reasons. 

Liability is the most important thing to consider. If you are involved in an accident with another boat, jetski, or dock, just to name a few possibilities, someone may be injured. If you are at fault, the cost of their medical care or property damage will fall to you, Boat insurance will give you the liability coverage you need, the recommended minimum is one million dollars. 

If you have a loan on your boat, your lender will require collision and comprehensive coverage which protects your boat from a variety of potential damage. Accidents are not the only thing that can damage your boat. You will also be covered for theft with this coverage. 

Owning a boat can be a dream come true. Boat insurance can help to keep that dream from becoming a nightmare. At Franklin Insurance Agency in Rio Rancho, NM, we would love to sit down and talk to you about the best coverage for you. Stop by or give us a call today.

What Does A Comprehensive Auto Policy Cover?

Rio Rancho, NM is one of the fastest expanding cities in New Mexico. It is a popular place to live and it is easy to navigate. In New Mexico, the law requires vehicle owners to carry liability insurance. Drivers need $25,000 in bodily injury per person with a max of $50,000 per accident and $10,000 in property damage. At Franklin Insurance Agency, we know New Mexico law and we can provide guidance to you when it comes to making sure that you have the insurance you need. 

The liability insurance required by state law protects other people from your accidents, but what about you and your vehicle? In an accident which you caused, you are responsible to repair or replace your own vehicle. But sometimes, no one is responsible, the damage is the result of things that are beyond your control. A comprehensive insurance policy would be the best option in this situation. Comprehensive auto insurance (non-collision insurance)  is required by lenders when you have a car loan. This is also beneficial for other reasons such as vandalism, fallen tree limbs, and hail.

Even though comprehensive sounds like it covers everything, it has limitations when it comes to comprehensive auto insurance. The sorts of things it does cover are things like theft. If your car is stolen and either not recovered or damaged, this insurance will fix or replace it. Weather can also be very unpredictable, and if your car is damaged by hail, heavy winds, or flooding, this is when comprehensive insurance becomes a beneficial priority. If a large animal like a deer darts in front of or runs into the side of your vehicle, it can cause devastating damage, again this is covered with this policy. 

As you can see, comprehensive auto insurance protects you in ways you may have never considered. At Franklin Insurance Agency in Rio Rancho, NM, we understand all the things that can happen and we will work with you to make sure you have coverage. Call or stop by our office for a quote or use our online rating tool. 


Is Home Insurance Required in New Mexico?

If you live in New Mexico and are about to buy your first house, you may wonder if it will be necessary to purchase homeowners’ insurance. The answer is that though it’s not required by law in New Mexico to have home insurance, it greatly would benefit you to have it in place. 

New Mexico Home Insurance Matters

Even though you don’t have to get home insurance by law in New Mexico, it may be mandatory to have if you take out a mortgage. Many of the mortgage lending companies will ask that you have coverage on the property. This can seem like a burden, but it’s actually for good reason that you have insurance. The company asks this for protection of the bank if your home were to be damaged enough that you can no longer use it.

Home Insurance Benefits in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, NM

It’s definitely in your best interest to seek out a solid homeowners’ insurance policy. This will not just protect your home dwelling itself, but it also provides coverage for many of the belongings within your home. You’ll want to talk it over with your agent to determine what items won’t be covered so you can get a rider on your policy if it’s necessary. Many valuable items that are worth over a certain amount won’t be included if there were to be damage or theft, so make sure to go through and note everything you want to be covered.

A reputable agency like Franklin Insurance Agency, serving the greater Rio Rancho, NM area, will help you get the right insurance policy to suit your needs. Contact us today online or give us a call to get started.




Tips to Protect Your Boat From Being Stolen in New Mexico

Many of our clients living in the Rio Rancho, NM area enjoy boating on the weekends and around their work schedule. Owning a boat is a significant financial investment. At Franklin Insurance Agency, we want to help you keep your assets. Below are some leading tips to protect your New Mexico boat from being stolen. 

How’s the trailer?

The easiest way for thieves to steal a boat is to hook to the trailer and drive off. If your trailer is accessible and unlocked, this can happen in less than a minute. However, having your trailer stationary with a missing tongue or trailer tires for the extended winter storage will often deter thieves from attempting to steal your boat. 

Multiple Locks

Put a lock at every corner and more on your boat while it is being stored. Having to remove multiple locks means more time and work for those trying to steal your boat. In most cases, your boat will put them at too great a risk of getting caught, forcing them to move past it. 

Keep it Covered

For most thieves, out of sight is really out of mind. They are only looking for what they can see to steal. If your boat is covered under a cover and stored beneath a shelter away from the road, it will often be overlooked by those scanning the area. 

Wire Up

You can add a wired alarm system to the boat that will alert you via message if it has been activated or even removed. Many of these alarm systems have an app that can be easily downloaded. 

Call us for the best protection

If you live in the Rio Rancho, NM area and need boat insurance, call our agents at Franklin Insurance Agency today for more information. 

Do I need more than basic auto insurance

Owning a car in Rio Rancho, NM is a necessity. When you own a vehicle, you are also required to adhere to the laws of the state regarding auto insurance. In New Mexico, the state requires that you carry liability insurance. Drivers must carry $25,000 per person for injury or death up to a max of $50,000 for two or more persons and additionally $10,000 for property damage. This is basic auto insurance. You are a driver, and if you have questions, the team at the Franklin Insurance Agency has answers.

What other auto coverage options do I need? 

If you have an auto loan or a lease, you will be required to carry collision and comprehensive coverage. While basic liability insurance protects other drivers from damage that you are responsible for, it does not cover your vehicle. Lenders and leasers want your vehicle to be protected since that protects their investment in you. 


Collision coverage is the insurance that helps to repair damage to your vehicle. When you have an accident and are at fault, you will need to fix your vehicle yourself if you do not have coverage. If you don’t have a collision policy, that repair comes out of your pocket. If your pocket is not deep enough to handle that sort of a hit, collision coverage is something that you need. You will have to pay a deductible, and depending on the value of the vehicle, the coverage may not be enough to replace the vehicle.


Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle from something other than another car. Some of these include weather events like wind and hail and from damage or loss caused by other humans such as vandalism and theft. Glass coverage is also part of comprehensive insurance. 

At Franklin Insurance Agency in Rio Rancho, NM, our team of agents is here to help you to decide exactly what types of coverage is right for you. Give us a call or stop by our office for a no-obligation quote. 

Tips Every Home Owner Needs to Know About Insurance

All homeowners need to carry a homeowners’ insurance policy. However, not all insurance policies are created equally. It is essential to know precisely what your policy covers and take action to make sure you are not denied in the event of a claim. If you are unsure about your current coverage and live in the Albuquerque or Rio Rancho, NM area, reach out to an agent at Franklin Insurance Agency today. 

Home maintenance is important 

It is critical that you do not defer maintenance on your home that could cause you to be more vulnerable to a claim. For example, even if it is just a small leak, have it taken care of right away before it turns into a more significant problem. If an insurance company determines that you neglected to maintain your home, the insurer has the right to deny coverage. 

Make sure you have coverage for your dog

If you have a dog, it is imperative to speak with your insurance agent to make sure you have coverage under your home insurance policy. Insurers can exclude dogs altogether or exclude certain breeds that are deemed aggressive. Dog bite claims can be extremely costly, so make sure you have adequate coverage. 

Do not wait to file a claim 

If an issue arises under your homeowners’ insurance policy, do not wait to file a claim. There may be a deadline to file a claim, after which you could be denied coverage. Check with your agent to determine the length of time you have to file. 

Take inventory of your home 

When you go to file a claim, you will need to document all of your belongings for the insurer. It can be hard to remember all the belongings in your home off the top of your head. Go through your home with a video camera to take stock of your belongings.

If you would like to learn more about homeowners insurance, reach out to an agent at Franklin Insurance Agency. We proudly serve the Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, NM area. 

Protect Your Investment With RV Insurance

Your RV represents a sizeable investment. Whether you use the recreational vehicle for a few months of the year or you live in it full time, you will want to do what you can to protect it. The best way to do this is with RV insurance. And if you live (or hail from) the greater Rio Rancho, NM area, the team at Franklin Insurance Agency is here to help.

Year-Round Or Select Times

The beauty of an RV is you can get in and go whenever you want. If you drive the vehicle year-round you will want an RV insurance plan that protects you in this instance. At other times you may only drive the RV at certain times of the year. Whenever you are driving your vehicle or whenever you might want the added protection, there is an RV insurance policy for you. 

Storage or On The Road

Now, you shouldn’t completely remove RV insurance even when you’re not driving it. After all, accidents happen and your vehicle can be damaged when in storage. To protect your RV you will want to have some form of protection taken out on it. Thankfully, with RV insurance, your policy can be a bit more flexible than what you might be used to with auto insurance. 

Your RV is one of the largest purchases you’ll likely make in your lifetime. Due to this, you’ll want to do what you can to protect it. With the help of Franklin Insurance Agency, when you live in or around Rio Rancho, NM your vehicle will always be protected with a number of RV insurance options. All you need to do is give the team a call to find out how you can better protect your recreational vehicle. 

People who may need umbrella insurance

Umbrella insurance is a different kind of insurance that works best for certain types of people. This is why companies like Franklin Insurance Agency in Rio Rancho, NM are available to provide more specific information about this kind of coverage and answer questions for those who may potentially need it. 

Umbrella insurance is generally used as additional coverage beyond what will be covered by auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and other regular types of coverage. Because umbrella insurance provides additional coverage in the event of a severe or devastating incident, it is best for individuals who are exposed to large amounts of risk and need greater coverage. For example, someone who drives a large vehicle long distances for commercial and business purposes has a much greater chance of being involved in a life-changing accident. They may need additional umbrella coverage in the event of a lawsuit. Others who are engaged in high-risk activities at their job or at home may also want to purchase umbrella coverage so that they would be protected from lawsuits that can range in the thousands or millions of dollars. Think of it as a way of protecting assets against large judgments, or protecting large amounts of assets in the event that some kind of major accident that will need to be paid for. This is why umbrella insurance is best for people dealing with high-risk situations or those who need coverage for large amounts of personal property. 

To learn more about how the specifics of umbrella insurance may be beneficial to you, contact Franklin Insurance Agency. Their agents have specific knowledge about the community of Rio Rancho, NM, and they can provide you with specialized guidance about whether you may need umbrella insurance or not.  

Motorcycle Insurance: 3 Things You Should Know

As with all other forms of transportation, owning a motorcycle requires that you also purchase an insurance policy. For residents of Rio Rancho, NM, the following is an overview of 3 things you should know about motorcycle insurance.


One of the top things you need to know about motorcycle insurance is that liability-only coverage is relatively cheap. One of the least expensive ways to make sure your vehicle is covered, if you are a safe driver and not concerned with being involved an accident, you can purchase this coverage at a very reasonable price.

More Coverage

While purchasing liability-only coverage may be tempting, it is often not enough. Liability only is the best way to cover yourself in case you do happen to cause an accident. However, it is also likely that you could be involved in an accident that is the fault of the other driver. In these cases, you would have no coverage at all and if the other driver happens to have insufficient coverage, this could leave you in a terrible predicament.

Make Sure You Have Medical Coverage

Although no one wants to think about being in an accident, sometimes, these things are unavoidable. Moreover, given that riding a motorcycle makes you more susceptible to becoming physically injured, you need to make sure you are covered in case the unthinkable happens. Your motorcycle insurance may provide some coverage but the best way to make sure your medical bills will be paid is to buy your own medical and/or life insurance policies.

Overall, for residents of Rio Rancho, NM, Franklin Insurance Agency is an excellent option for purchasing motorcycle insurance. Simply call or visit the Franklin Insurance Agency office today to find out which type of policy works best for your needs.


Does My Car Insurance Cover Other Drivers?

Car owners who live in Rio Rancho, NM who have questions about whether or not their car insurance covers other drivers can call the agents of Franklin Insurance Agency. The agents have the knowledge and experience to be able to answer any questions concerning who is covered under a specific type of auto insurance policy. They can also advise you about upgrading your policy if your individual needs have changed over time.

Regular Drivers

When you purchased your auto insurance policy, you were asked who would be driving your vehicle. While these are your regular drivers, there may be a time when you allow someone else to drive your vehicle. In these types of situations, it’s a good idea to write a note that states you have given them permission to drive your car. This, however, doesn’t guarantee that they will be covered by your insurance policy. Their policy may be required to cover any accidents that may occur.

Each Company Is Different

Every insurance company is different when it comes to covering additional drivers. You may be required to call in and notify your agent if you are willing to allow someone else to drive your car. Before letting anyone else behind the wheel of your vehicle, contact your agent to find out who will be covered if anybody.

In Rio Rancho, NM, the agents at Franklin Insurance Agency can go over your policy with you and let you know who is allowed to drive your car under your particular auto insurance policy. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to call the office and talk to one of the agents.